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Semester Application Contents

Once you have finalized your program choice, your OCS adviser will open a Whitman OCS Application for you.

For a semester/academic year OCS application you will need:
  • A list of any pending transfer credits from other academic institutions including the name of the institution, number of credits, and course titles
  • Passport number and expiration date
  • Parent and guardian information including street address, phone number, and email
  • Responses to two essays and one short answer question (prompts below)
  • Completed OCS Course Approval form. Allow two weeks to complete this part of the application as it involves meeting with your major adviser and then your OCS adviser to go over the completed form   

Essay Prompts:
Essay #1: Statement of Purpose: Describe the relationship between your proposed off-campus study program and your major(s), minor(s), language learning goals and/or career goals (200-500 words). 

Short answer question: Academic Preparation: Describe how you have prepared academically for your studies away (limit: 200 words).

Essay #2: Anticipated Challenges: Describe what aspect(s) of the living conditions or lifestyle in your destination that you expect to find most challenging, and what experiences you have had to date that you think may help you with those challenges (200-500 words).

  • If your cumulative GPA is less than 2.8 know that you will be asked to choose a faculty member who has taught you in an academic course to write you a recommendation.